Light Bulb Coachable Moments… Elements For Your Success
Lightbulb Moment! …..Elements of Success... to Create a New Normal!
Here are some Hints &Tips, Ideas &Thoughts to move you forward towards Success!
5 types of people who won’t Succeed in the new economy and 5 types who will THRIVE.
The 5 types of people who may be left behind in the new economy are:
1) Stubborn
2) Know-it-alls: as the economy is about learning. One has two eyes, two ears, and one mouth, so listen more than one speak
3) Dabblers *(Tire-Kickers ….& Freeloaders)
4) Victims: who blame the economy, the government, or circumstances for their lack of success. Rather than moan about things you can’t control, put energy towards the things one can have a more direct impact, like family, business and success.
5) Lazy: watching Netflix, drinking, and eating comfort food right now — as they won’t be able to capitalize on opportunities when the economy comes back up
* The 5 types of people who will thrive are:
1) Masters: those who commit 100% and will capitalize on market share. Be either all in or all out, not in the middle
2) Independent thinkers: those who are not easily influenced by others or media
3) Relationship builders and networkers: connect with people and build relationships over the phone, video-*(zoom) and text
4) Focused on investing in themselves: skills are assets in the new economy, so you should be bettering yourself ~ upskilling is key.
5) Optimistic, but also logical: expecting the best because they’re putting in the time, energy & effort
Of course, there are others, and some more specific to You...Go with those if they resonate better!
But the specific notion here is to ‘Go For It!’ ~ Whatever It Is For You?
This is a perfect scenario for getting coaching, and for several reasons, for instance, sometimes were just too close to things that we can’t see objectively enough to find a best way forward, - coaches do, … or it could be simply that one doesn’t know what they don’t know so how can they know what to know, … know what I mean?! A coach can help to discover and connect with what’s good for us to know about in our moves to Next Level living. ~ Or even more courageous and brave, to move to change from say being in the group that won’t to the group that will… Thrive!.... That takes vision, inner strength and commitment, …and when a person makes the decision to uplift their lives for the better, … that is nothing short of honorable, … and herein lay the high value of having a coach in your corner, …not just cheering you on, but also holding you accountable to help ensure you get there.
It is for this reason, I became a Coach, … I got Coaching around a groove that I seemed to be stuck in - and it changed everything for me…. from being just someone working for others adding my value more to their dream, - to shifting into being more my own boss adding value to both our dreams, … so much more rewarding, and certainly more fulfilling, ‘Win-Win-Win’ …. A Win for the Coachee, a Win for the Coach and the ripple of Wins to Those around Us.
So let’s all get into the group of 5 that Thrive, get a coach and take your life to the Next Level Up! – One-off sessions are OK, but focused dedicated tailored to the person series of sessions, like 6 weeks or even better 12 weeks of more, …that’s when one really gets the ‘juice’ of it all.
I share this because my thing is to leave this place…the world better than when I arrived, even if it’s itty-bitty, it’s better…and to do this I seek to be part of the solutions instead of part of the problem(s)… and it’s a journey… a process…. Life; …and I know I don’t have to go it alone, nor ‘reinvent the wheel’ so to speak, … and coaching really helps to get perspective and progress.
So yea, go ahead and reach out to Me for a Coaching Call To Explore Your Next Moves! ~
…. Afterall, Imagine, - What Would It Be Like If You Stayed as one of the People Who Don't !? …. Let’s not do that, instead Let’s Thrive!
#ElementsOfSuccess #HintsandTipsForSuccess #DiscoverTransformEmpowerFullfillLive #AdventureLifeCoaching #NoRegrets #GoForIt #GrabYourExploratoryCoachingSessionNow #WinWinWins #HappyTrails