The Start Of Your Brand New Day…!?
Have You Had Yours Today? …. Elements of Success …. Daily Dose Of Success Habits?
When you get the results that you want, then you are effectively productive. And you feel really good and foreseeably successful.
If you don't get the results that you want, then you are often considered unproductive. And, as such you probably won't feel particularly good or nor seemingly be very successful. *(Something to consider, and maybe for another time, but productive and successful according to whom, your peers, your boss, your peers, family and even friends ~ or You??!)
Anyway all this may seem easy enough, or does it? So many of us struggle to get what we want. Now here’s a key question; - Why is that?
One of the key questions around this may really about; how do you use / manage your energy and very importantly, - Your Time?
Try think of our energy for a moment like a battery, - one can even consider time *(human-oriented time) along those lines… is a finite reality. At night while we sleep we recharge, *(as long as we get enough good-quality sleep)… And in the morning we start using it.
The fact is we all have limits to our time and energy we can expend and utilize every day. So if we use these limited elements to work on what we want, we will eventually get there.
If we use the energy for things that we think we want, *(the illusion stemming from external joys and satisfaction) but we actually don't really want, then we will not get what we want. Or worse, we do something where we kind of know we don't want, nevertheless we do it (think of drugs, alcohol, watching social media, etc). Sounds familiar?
In upcoming blog posts, - Although I like to focus on Positivity and Uplift, I may touch on some of the negative behavioural patterns that too-often rob us of time and energy. One cannot know one without the other *(Like Yi & Yang), which in turn impacts on our success.
I'll also unpack some simple things one can do to install new more effective habits that will give your entire ‘being’ an uplift. As such, you'll use your time and energy more wisely, as well as you'll experience amazing feelings of confidence, revitalisation and success to go on and achieve big goals in your life!
So, to kick start you on an optimal way forward to help you renergise and be more focused, thus more effective in life; Here’s some ‘homeplay’ - *(I state homeplay – have fun with it – this is to be uplifting not guilt-riddled).
~ A key question to consider and journal on…. Be totally honest with yourself, only then can experience true uplift,
What are you Daily Success Habits? ~ ie; what do you do begin your day on the right foot and with your mind, body and spirit in an optimal state of being?
Assuming you have gotten a good night of quality sleep *(as in the recommended amount of 7-8 hours and a couple of those before midnight when repairing occurs, and which then enables good REM rhythms to occur too, etc etc etc)!
So assuming you wake up well-slept…. What happens next? ~ Again journal on it, - get it out of the mix of thoughts in your head onto paper in front of you, almost to every detail, and then determine the level of consistency you do with this 7 days a week… then review it all and look for the habits that serve *(e.g., vocal expressions of gratitude and actions of uplifting self) and those that do not *(e.g. hitting the snooze button, or going straight online or having a massive sugar-hit)…whatever you do note it down.
Once you have totally spot-lit every bit of things that serve or dis-serve you, either keep them or reframe them to positives to bring not your actions, and/or replace them altogether with better ones.
To really get help to embed these as a daily routine to boost your success, reach out to me.
Grab a free Exploratory Call with me to identify the best way forward and to instill them effectively so they become long lasting positive actions – ie’ Daily Success Habits!
Let’s Do This!
Let’s Be S.M.A.R.T. About This ~ Let’s Be Effective, Not Simply Busy Being Busy!
I am in the business of Success! … I’m in it for that Triple Wins ~ ‘A Win for You as the Coachee, a Win for me the Coach *(I benefit too by serving you) and Wins for anyone who benefits from the positive ripple effect they come into contact with due to all the good work you are doing.
See you soon. I look forward to collaborating with you soon. :D
#Success #MindsetShift #PositiveActions #DailySuccessHabits #AdventureLifeCoaching #ExploreDiscoverApplyLiveFulfilled #KnowledgeAdventuresUnltd #HappyTrails